Early implementation 4 funds assessment

The European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) has launched a study for a research paper on the early implementation of the 'Erasmus +', 'Creative Europe', the 'European Solidarity Corps' programmes and Strand 3 of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV). The study was awarded in the context of a framework contract led by ÖIR. Spatial Foresight will coordinate this study research paper, and implement it together with ÖIR, VVA and inforelais. The objective is to map and assess the early implementation of these four funding programmes with a focus on the calls for proposals launched at EU and national level and the selected proposals. Examples will illustrate different approaches, successes and challenges to feed into the policy process and further implementation of the four programmes.


Client: European Parliament

Duration: February to August 2023

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