Cohesion Policy and the Single Market: cost of non-cohesion

The Single European Market and Cohesion Policy have the same origin dating back to the Single European Act. Cohesion Policy is an indispensable element of allowing all citizens and all places to have a fair chance to reap the benefits of the Single Market. It is of crucial importance for the proper functioning of the EU’s Single Market. Still, during the ongoing celebrations of the 30 years of the Single Market the key role of Cohesion Policy was largely neglected.

The aim of this study is to provide evidence on the relationship between Cohesion Policy and the functioning of the Single Market, and in how far Cohesion Policy is contributing to the latter’s performance and mitigating negative impacts.

The study is carried out by Spatial Foresight in cooperation with ÖIR.


Client: European Committee of the Regions

Duration: July 2023 - October 2023

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