ESPON cross-border public services - CPS 2.0

Spatial Foresight together with its partners TCP International, Association of the European Border Regions (AEBR) and Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) will update and upgrade the inventory produced within the completed ESPON targeted analysis on CPS  of 2018 and make this Pan-European territorial evidence more easily available for public authorities and other (public or private) stakeholders. More specifically our team will (1) uptake and use the newly validated conceptual and methodological framework for analysing and collecting data on cross-border public services in the European Union – internal and external borders, (2) upgrade the inventory, datasets and usage of comparable indicators for the CPS provision analysis in cross-border regions across EU and (3) contribute to increasing the uptake of the inventory among relevant stakeholders and networks and also reaching a wider audience.



Duration: October 2021 – May 2022

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