International urban and regional cooperation - Latin America and the Caribbean
IURC-LAC will develop urban cooperation and foment city-to-city and region-to-region partnerships between EU and non-EU local and regional authorities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and the Caribbean in order to exchange best practices and knowledge towards improving cities and regions sustainable development. International Urban and Regional Cooperation – Latin American and Caribbean (IURC-LAC), builds upon the experiences and lessons learned under previous IURC editions. It constitutes to this effect a third phase of the international urban and regional cooperation (IURC) led by DG REGIO and the Foreign Policy Instruments Service (FPI) since 2017. Experts from Spatial Foresight will contribute to coordinate the region-to-region cooperation and to develop innovation cooperation between EU regions and regions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Client: European Commission, DG Regio
Duration: January 2025 - December 2027