Paola Marinović
junior analyst
+352 691 87 32 00
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Paola Marinović is a junior policy analyst at Spatial Foresight. She joined the team in May 2022. She holds a master’s degree in Spatial Planning and Regional Development from the University of Zagreb. Prior to Spatial Foresight, Paola gained experience in the fields of strategic spatial planning and regional development of Croatia. Her key professional interests lie in EU territorial development with a focus on EU Cohesion Policy. Paola has been working on projects contracted by different clients such as the European Commission, European Committee of the Regions, ESPON, national ministries (Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands, Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds of Croatia), etc. She is fluent in Croatian (native language) and English, with considerable knowledge of Italian and German.
Hausemer, P., Gorman, N., Squillante, F., Spūle, S., Mäder Furtado, M., Marinović, P., Hagemann, K., Tricarico, L., Gomes, A., Fiorentino, S. (2024): Scoping the socio-economic performance of the EU proximity economy. European Commission, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Download
Schuh, B., Zillmer, S., Haarich, S., Hagemann, K., Marinović, P., Mäder Furtado, M., Trovalusci, F., Carangelo, E., Stumm, T. (2025): Handbook on Cross-border Energy Communities. European Commission, DG Regio, Brussels. Download.
Invanov, B., Böhme, K., Hagemann, K. & Marinović, P. (2023). Potential land use impact of EU policies and global trends on the Netherlands. Report to the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands. Read
Böhme, K., Marinović, P., Zillmer, S., Hat, K. & Schuh, B. (2023). The delivery system of Cohesion Policy now and in future. Brussels: European Committee of the Regions. Read
Böhme, K., Hagemann, K., Ivanov, B., Marinović, P. & Zillmer, S. (2023). Cohesion policy benchmarks beyond GDP to better reflect well-being standard of living. Brussels: European Committee of the Regions. Read
Alessandrini, M., Pasturel, A., Hat, K., Münch, A., Mäder Furtado, M. & Marinović, P. (2022). Synergies between the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Recovery and Resilience Plans – Best Practices from Local and Regional Authorities. European Committee of the Regions, Brussels. Download.