Dr Jean Claude Zeimet
process facilitator & policy adviser
+352 691 87 32 05
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Dr Jean Claude Zeimet joined the Spatial Foresight team in 2018. As process facilitator and management assistant he supports the overall administration and accounting, and facilitates the process dimension in various assignments, e.g. when it comes to moderation and presentation techniques, participative approaches or process monitoring. His particular interests are social and societal changes and impacts, with a focus on how systems respectively groups interact and can learn from each other, i.e. how learning effects can be provided and transferred into action.
He studied social and organisational pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim (Germany), with particular focus on social administration and social planning, municipal social policy and occupational social work. He holds a PhD in social science from the University of Luxembourg specialising in structures, commitment and motivation of informal (youth) communities. In parallel to his work at Spatial Foresight he is active as associate lecturer at the University of Luxembourg.
Reference Projects (process facilitation/ moderation)
ACTAREA workshops DE-FR border area. BBSR - Federal Institute for Research on Building. 2023-ongoing Read
Eifel-Ostbelgien-Eisléck Strategy. Ministry of the German-speaking Community, Belgium. 2022-2023
Study on the EU Social Economy. EISMEA - European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. 2023-2024
Nature parks Mëllerdall-Our-Südeifel Strategy. Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning, Luxembourg. 2022-2023
Sustainable & digital engineering workshop. University of Luxembourg – Department of Engineering. 2022 Read
Tourismus Workshop 2021: Perspektiven für die Destination Echternach. Trifolion Echternach a.s.b.l./ Stadtmarketing. 2021-2022 Read
Co-design of a support scheme for administrative capacity building. European Commission -DG Regio. 2021-2022 Read
Support in development and delivery of capacity building programme for capacity builders in the EU macro-regional strategies. INTERACT Point Turku. 2021-2022 Read
Support for the development of the integrated local development strategy for the LAG LEADER Regioun Mëllerdall 2023-2029. LEADER-Regioun Mëllerdall. 2021-2022 Read
Réckbléck LEADER 2014-2020 an Ausbléck LEADER 2023-2029. LAG LEADER Miselerland. 2021 Read
ESPON tool for mapping soft territorial cooperation areas and initiatives (ESPON ACTAREA web app). ESPON EGTC. 2020-2022 Read
Transnationales LEADER-Kooperationsprojekt ‘Rural Coworking Spaces’. LEADER Mëllerdall, Miselerland, Moselfranken and Mosel. 2020-2023 Read
Assistance dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Pacte Logement 2.0. Ministère du Logement Luxembourg. 2019-2021 Read
Initial event to strengthen the cooperation between LIST-RUES/ UL. University of Luxembourg. 2019
CIPU - National information platform for urban policies II. Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures/ Ministère de l’Énergie et de l‘Aménagement du territoire - DATER – Luxembourg. 2018-2021 Read